3 Things You Didn’t Know about Ceiling Fan Installation

HomeBlog3 Things You Didn’t Know about Ceiling Fan Installation

Ceiling fans are a functional and stylish addition to any home, offering a cool breeze in the summer and moving warm air downward during the winter. This makes them a great solution for bedrooms, living rooms, theater rooms, and home offices. They can even be installed when there is no fan or light in your existing ceiling. Ceiling fan installation is a relatively simple process, but many people don’t know much about ceiling fans, so we are here to share three things you may not have known:

3 Things You Didn’t Know about Ceiling Fan Installation

  • Bigger is better: When you are choosing the size for your ceiling fan installation, fans with longer and larger blades will provide higher airflow capacity. Fans with shorter blades will be more inefficient. However, you should always make sure the fan matches the size of your room.
  • Ceiling fans can weigh as much as 50 pounds: These can be heavy fixtures to mount, so proper ceiling fan installation will involve either anchoring the ceiling fan to a joist or using a mounting bracket between joists.
  • Direction matters: After your ceiling fan installation, the direction that the blades are turning should be changed year round. During the summer months, use the fan in the counterclockwise direction to have air pushed downwards. In the cooler winter months, switch the ceiling fan so it is running clockwise at a low speed. This causes an updraft which moves the warm air near the ceiling downwards.

When using a ceiling fan, you should be able to adjust your thermostat accordingly which can lead to additional energy savings. This is a great way to cut back on costs while keeping comfortable in your home. Our team at The Neighborhood Technician is here to provide complete satisfaction with our ceiling fan installation process; contact us today.